2019 "Orazion de na striga" is a kind of civic oration, a secular prayer, a meditation on the flesh. It mercilessly poses all the questions of meaning about life, love, and death, with the disillusioned gaze of a woman who rejects all stereotypes but lives with heart and body every aspect of her femininity: motherhood, work, love, civil commitment. She is a woman who transcends any definition, perhaps the most modern of women, despite her image and words that evoke an ancient world. In this performance, I created the sound productions and conducted sound research. PRESS & LINKS www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqcN18pK6sQ www.trasacroesacromonte.it/2020/3.php
2019 Mario and Francesco are fighting in World War I. They are brothers, but they wear uniforms of different colors. The two of them bid farewell in 1914 when Francesco volunteered for the French army. Mario, on the other hand, wears the gray-green uniform of the Italian infantry... but what are they doing together? I composed all the music and performed live. PRESS & LINKS www.sempionenews.it/spettacoli/dellhorror-non-ve-traccia-con-karakorum-teatro-a-casa-pogliaghi
SUBSTRATO, from September 29th to October 3rd 2018 @Varese It's a fantastic journey organized by & Type, a typography, lettering, and basic calligraphy studio in Varese, which has decided to use the literary device of the rediscovered trunk as a prelude to "Viaggio a Tupillil," a truly unique project that combines engraving, printing, live performances, and soundscapes. For this exhibition, I curated the sound aspect, both for marketing purposes and for the opening concert of the exhibition, where I performed two sets. A track from the concert was selected to be released on the vinyl record "AFA MegaMix (2019)." PRESS & LINKS www.frizzifrizzi.it/2018/09/25/save-the-date-viaggio-a-tupillil/ www.vice.com/it/article/wjvxmn/afa-festival-milano www.discogs.com/release/13654205-Various-AFA-MegaMix
28 January 2017 Numero 0 is the first ep from the Aṣ-ṣifr Collection. 4 instrumental tracks, 4 different genres. In 2023 the track Earth's Revenge was chosen as the soundtrack for the podcast Vers une nouvelle histoire des abattoirs : une histoire paysanne. Released on January 28, 2017, now available in nft. PRESS & LINKS https://soundcloud.com/alveare-rec/sets/numero-0 kodadot.xyz/rmrk/collection/d228fd275f1adda60f-D5ZZO Vers une nouvelle histoire des abattoirs : une histoire paysanne
2017 "Simplon" is the name of that place where for millennia, humans have crossed the natural border of the Alps. Today, for us, it lies beyond the imaginary line of a political border, but this side of the mountain ridge: it embodies the contradictions of the frontier, and as much as it would like to be "somewhere," it simply remains on the border... Under the mountain, in the construction site that will give birth to the Simplon Tunnel, the first Western play is born: the dream of surpassing the limit imposed in a face-to-face duel between man and nature. A hole in a mountain: will it be enough to erase the frontier? I composed all the music and performed live. "Simplon," along with "Rimanendo sul confine," was performed at the Narrazione di Arzo festival. Several performances were held throughout Italy. The show won the Strabismi Prize in 2017. PRESS & LINKS www.festivaldinarrazione.ch/journal/375 www.luinonotizie.it/2018/04/04/varese-karakorum-teatro-porta-scena-nuova-storia-frontiera-simplon/170361 www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/reggio-emilia/cronaca/con-simplon-si-affronta-la-tematica-dei-confini-1.5618707 www.prealpina.it/pages/stefano-beghi-propone-simplon-a-varese-165949.html www.umbria24.it/noise24/teatro-fase-conclusiva-strabismi-residenze-ospitalita-sostegno-le-giovani-compagnie/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYBByMRDGF4
2015 "A man who grew up on the border between Italy and Switzerland has a goal: to become a master of "scopa," the most popular card game of the modern era. What are the rules to become a great player? And above all... does the "perfect game" exist? For this unlikely master, the answer to this question lies in the grand game of April 3, 1973... His story takes us on a journey to discover tales of smugglers and financiers, gentlemanly bandits, and exiled soldiers, their adventures on the border between legal and illegal, necessity and desire, courage and madness, where playing is an attempt to go beyond, to grant oneself the right to feel like heroes. When one thinks of a border, most of the time, they imagine a line... but no matter how hard the protagonists of this story tried to find it, they never did. Perhaps it can only be seen from afar, or maybe water and time erased it... perhaps it never existed. What remains is the desire for redemption, the feeling of belonging to a territory that goes beyond politics, a question: why can't one go there? This is where the great story of a world that is too small begins." In the context of this performance, I composed all the music and performed live, with over 100 shows held in Italy and Switzerland. PRESS & LINKS www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4SrK_yVhi0&t=24s www.festivaldinarrazione.ch/journal/375
2014 PRESS & LINKS soundcloud.com/i-pazzi-del-bosco<